We love bringing our Speak Up Scotland programme to new areas. Following the success of our Inverness and Aberdeen workshops we ran a workshop at Banff Academy with pupils from Banff Academy and Fraserburgh Academy. It was great to have these two schools at our workshop and brilliant seeing the young people giving speeches, many for the first time!  

“The debate workshop was an incredibly enriching experience for my pupils, and one they thoroughly enjoyed. The facilitator, Jordan, guided the pupils through the fundamentals of debating, providing them with the skills to be able to debate confidently. My pupils have come away from it with a genuine excitement for debating and are now keen to take part in future competitions.” – Teacher, Banff Academy




We’re sure we’ll be seeing the Banff and Fraserburgh debaters at many competitions in the future! 




Many thanks to Banff Academy for hosting!

We are very much looking forward to our next joint workshop at Banchory Academy in June.