Sponsors & partners
We are enormously grateful to our funders, partners, sponsors and supporters, past and present. Thank you!

- Aberdeen City Council
- Adam Smith Institute
- BAA Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund
- Baillie Gifford
- Brewin Dolphin Ltd.
- Construction Industry Training Board
- The Confucius Institute
- DLA Piper
- Dundee City Council
- East Renfrewshire Council
- The Edinburgh Alwaleed Centre
- Educational Institute of Scotland
- Education Scotland
- The European Commission
- The European Movement
- The European Parliament
- The Faculty of Advocates
- Falkirk Council
- Geoghegans Chartered Accountants
- Glasgow City Council
- Glasgow City Heritage Trust
- The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
- Historic Environment Scotland
- Howard League Scotland
- Indigo
- Kraya Digital Technologies
- The Law Society of Scotland
- Learning and Teaching Scotland
- Lyreco
- The MacRobert Trust
- The National Archives of Scotland
- The National Galleries of Scotland
- The National Library of Scotland
- North Lanarkshire Council
- Orbit Communications
- Oxfam
- Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center
- Renew Physio
- The Robertson Trust
- The Royal Society of Edinburgh
- Ryden
- Save the Children
- The Science and Technology Facilities Council
- The Scotsman
- The Scottish Government
- The Scottish Parliament
- The Scottish Poetry Library
- The Scottish Qualifications Authority
- Stirling Council
- The Sunday Herald
- The University of Edinburgh
- Vacta Ltd.
- West Dunbartonshire Council
- West Lothian Council
- The Williams Charitable Trust
- William Grant & Sons Ltd.
- The Writers’ Workshop